Monday, June 30, 2008
Free Movies, Anyone?
Posted by In His Service at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
FREE STUFF (or close to it) @ Publix this week
Pasta Roni or Rice-A-Roni - FREE and $0.28 overage!!
It's BOGO, so $0.73 and I used $1 off coupon from (They let you print it twice - just hit the "back" button to print again)
Lysol All Purpose Trigger Spray - $0.35
It's BOGO, so $1.35 and I used the $1 off coupon in 6/22 Smartsource newspaper insert
French's Mustard (asst. varieties) - $0.19
It's $1.19 and I used the $1 off coupon I got from
Lawry's 30-Minute Marinade - $0.43
BOGO, so $1.43 and I used the $0.50 coupon in the 5/18 & 6/22 Red Plum newspaper inserts which Publix doubled to $1
Ragu Pasta Sauce - $0.38
BOGO, and used coupon in 5/18 Red Plum insert for $0.50 off two which Publix doubled to $1
There are many more, but these are my faves! It's never too late to start COUPONING!!! Go get Sunday's paper from WalMart and then buy a deeply discounted subscription from the link on CouponMom's website.
Later: A List of Available Sweepstakes that I found in the coupon circulars
Posted by In His Service at 3:54 PM 0 comments
My Thursday Thrill
Did you know that some Publix stores change their prices on Wednesdays and some change their prices on Thursdays? To find out which ones change when, see the fine print on the front page of your weekly Publix ad.

On Wednesdays, I go to and choose a store whose prices change on Wednesday so I can see the circular a day in advance. I shop for the week based on what's on sale that week and what I have a coupon for (that's where comes in). See my receipt --->
Later: My Favorite Coupons This Week
Posted by In His Service at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
So just how did I buy $150 worth of groceries for $60 last week? Here's the secret...
First of all, you must know that the coupon by itself is not what cuts your bill in half… What gets you the best savings is:
1) Doing some preparatory research
2) Obtaining the coupons
3) Using the coupons at the right TIME
4) Using the coupons at the right PLACE
5) Creating a BUDGET for your weekly shopping trips
First, you need to know what’s on sale at your neighborhood stores.
The main website you should know about and register with is Stephanie Nelson – the coupon mom – has made available free-of-charge her e-book: “Advanced Grocery Saving Strategies: Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half” which I strongly suggest you read if you want this to work for you. Her website cross references the weekly specials at major supermarkets (as well as WalMart, CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid) against a database of available coupons from the Sunday paper.
Another powerful website to use in conjunction with this is This website compares all weekly ads (you pick the stores) with each other so you can see who has the lowest price for any particular item.
You will find the majority of all available coupons in the Sunday paper. That being said, you should either subscribe or commit to purchasing one (or more) when they are available. SAVE THE COUPON INSERTS!!! Do not throw them away!! The coupon mom will tell you which coupon circular to use and when.
Other sources of coupons are the Internet (,, manufacturer websites), in-store displays, snail mail, and in-package coupons. Know your coupons so that when you research the weekly ads, you’ll recognize items for which you have a coupon. (Coupon Mom references the coupons from the newspaper only.)
If you notice that there is a particular coupon that is of interest to you in the newspaper, BUY MORE NEWSPAPERS! More newspapers = more coupons!
Stock up on stuff only when it is on sale AND you have coupons. Don’t use your coupons just because you have them. Be patient and wait for that sale!
Double-check to make sure you’re shopping at the store with the lowest priced items. Or you can split up the shopping list and visit different stores if the price difference is big enough. Also, know your store's double-coupon policy, price matching policy, and competitor's coupons policies.
My Mantra: “Just because it’s on sale, doesn’t mean you have to buy it!” (Easier said than done – I’m still working on this one. )
You will notice an immediate difference in your wallet!!
Post your comments and let me know how much you’re saving. Take a look at the bottom of my last Publix receipt. I spent $16, but I SAVED $34!! That means I purchased $50 worth of stuff for $16!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Here's How You Can Help
By donating your old/used coupon circulars from the Sunday paper, you can help New Bethesda Christian Ministries to build our food pantry to feed the hungry at a fraction of the cost. Send us an e-mail and we will make arrangements.
(If you live in the Metro Atlanta area and want to establish a Coupon Trading Circle, e-mail me. We can help each other cut our own grocery bills in half!)
If you do not have coupons but would still like to help the ministry via monetary contribution, click the green link on the right for "The Revolution Money Exchange". It is a relatively new company that is competing with PayPal and for now they are not charging (unlike PayPal) to send or receive funds. Anyone who sells stuff on ebay should consider signing up so you can avoid the charge for getting paid!
Soon to come: My secret to saving BIG at the grocery store...
Welcome to "All For Goodness Sake"
Thank you for visiting my new blog. I am so excited to be able to share with you and to create a community where we can share with each other. This blog is dedicated to helping others. If you are a helper, we need your input - if you're one of the "others", let us know so we can help out!
I have recently "discovered" the joy of "couponing" - that is, seeking out coupons and using them at just the right time and at just the right store so that I get a REALLY good deal. It's an awesome feeling to purchase $150 worth of groceries for only $60. Sound too good to be true? That's exactly what I did last week at Publix.
If you're interested in learning how I did it, stick around. Check back here often as I will be posting information about really good sales, coupons and freebies at our neighborhood stores.
More rewarding than the thrill of couponing is the thrill of being able to use our coupons to provide food for the hungry for very little money! Stay tuned for how you can help us "Cut Out Hunger" in our community.
Posted by In His Service at 12:52 AM 0 comments