Happy Election Day and Happy Holiday Season Everyone!!
Today I wanted to encourage those non-couponers to GET WITH IT by offering a list of items for which you will NEVER have to pay once you begin clipping coupons. I have in my stockpile plenty of items that were cheap, free or that I was PAID TO BUY! Here are the categories of the items of which I have quite a surplus:
- bathroom & kitchen cleaning supplies (thanks P&G!)
- fabric stain remover
- shampoo & conditioner
- body wash (Olay, Suave, Axe, Gillette)
- deodorant (Sure, Right Guard, Adidas, Speed Stick)
- cosmetics (mostly Cover Girl, Loreal, & Revlon)
- cough syrup (Dimettap, Robitussin)
- Aspirin/Pain Reliever (Excedrin, Advil)
- Energy Boosters
- Toothpaste (Colgate & Crest GALORE!!)
- Toothbrushes
- Mouth wash
- Skin care (Olay, Clearasil, Clean & Clear)
- Feminine Products (Always, Stayfree, OB)
- Disposable Razors
and best of all...
FREE Toilet Paper
*Did you know that you can ALWAYS get free TP from Kroger??*
The 4-pack of Cottonelle is always $1 at Kroger and there is consistently a 50¢ coupon in the Sunday paper which when doubled will cause the TP to be FREE!!
Happy couponing everyone!!
Ben & Jerry’s | FREE Cone Day on 4/8
6 hours ago
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